Why is everything out of stock?

Why is everything out of stock?

I get a lot of questions like "why is it that every time I come to this site X is out of stock?"

I have had to recently restructure my business such that just about everything is a "stock" item. That's different from how things used to be, where anyone could order anything, and that order would just get queued up. 

My reasons for this change are many and varied, but the crux of the matter is that I now open up "slots" for production when I have capacity to do so. For simple items, "in stock" may mean that I have the base product available and on the shelf (i.e. it needs to be cut out and finished) or it may mean that it's ready to go, but is missing things like strapping or brackets, or whatever. For more complex items, it may also mean that I have capacity to produce a certain number of that item, like legs, or bazubands, etc.

The best way to be notified of when new stock arrives is via the "Notify when available" widget on my pages:

This is a first-come, first-served sort of arrangement, so if you receive an in-stock notification and you find that the item is out of stock when you arrive, that just means the number of items that were in stock have sold out already. Unfortunately, that's your cue to add yourself back to the notify list again.

Finally, as of this writing, I am dealing with a particularly large number of bulk orders, so that's why stock notifications are not coming as frequently as I'd like. Rest assured, I'm working as fast as I can to get those orders out the door so I can resume regular re-stocking operations. 

Thanks again for your patience!


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